Public statement by the Arkady Bukh Law Firm.

We are pleased to announce that all charges against our client, Mr. Alexander Vinnik, have been fully dismissed. Pursuant to the formal judgment of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California dated February 14, 2025, the criminal case has been dismissed and our client has been released from custody. As of today, Mr. Vinnik is considered a person with no criminal record, as confirmed by United States court documents.

Vinnik flew to Russia

Alexander Vinnik arrived by plane to Turkey on Thursday, from where he headed to Russia on another flight. This was stated by the lawyer of the Russian Arkady Bukh to RIA Novosti.

Release with perspective

US authorities have confirmed the release of Russian Alexander Vinnik. The proceedings in the case, which had been going on for almost nine years, have been terminated. Washington said that Vinnik will be handed over to Russia.

Vinnik was sent to Russia

“We have received an update on the whereabouts and status of our client, Mr. Vinnik. We have been informed that our client arrived by plane to Turkey, from where he was sent on another flight to Russia,” he emphasized.

Why 2016 changed the fate of the Internet forever.

In July, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an anti-terrorist package of laws by State Duma deputy Irina Yarovaya and senator Viktor Ozerov. Despite protests from leading IT companies, mobile operators and the Internet community, the document was approved by the State Duma in all three readings, and its authors, according to’s sources, not only failed to take into account the amendments proposed by market participants, but also did not consult them at all.

A Russian man has been arrested in the US for possession of a bomb.

The tranquility of the provincial American town of Altoona in the state of Pennsylvania with a population of only 46 thousand people was disturbed by a 19-year-old young man from Russia. Vladislav Miftakhov, that is the name of the Russian, was detained by the town’s police for creating an explosive device that the police described as a “weapon of mass destruction.”

The ‘Not-So-Good’ Good Life Of A Russian Hacker

Judging by the pictures on his VKontake social networking page, Vladislav Khorokhorin (or Horohorin in phonetic English) has a pretty good view of the French countryside in Aix-en-Provence. It’s the kind of town that — if it were allowed — companies would have bottled up the pristine air and sold it for a premium. There is Vladislav in aviator glasses holding his smartphone with the rolling blue hills of southern France behind him. Oh, but wait. He’s behind bars. The Russian alleged hacker is suffering there with his Angry Birds and his 24-hour access to all things digital while holed up in a French prison de luxe.

Russia’s Million Dollar Hackers

Few nationalities are as good at making money from hacking than the Russians. Their share of the global cyber crime market, an estimated $12.5 billion black market, doubled last year to $4.5 billion, according to Moscow-based Group-IB, a cyber security services firm working mainly with the Russian government and banks to help reduce online fraud.

The king of spam will speak.

Oleg Nikolaenko, who is considered in the United States to be the organizer of the Mega-D zombie network and the world’s “king of spam,” may plead guilty, sources say. The lawyers will insist on a sanction in the form of a $250,000 fine. This is an insignificant sum for an industry that earns $50,000 an hour, programmers say.

Belarussian pleads guilty in federal identity theft case

In June 2007, Belarussian nationals Dmitry M. Naskovets and Sergey Semashko (also referred to as “Semasko” in some Department of Justice reports) created (“CallService”), a Russian language online business hosted in Lithuania. Unfortunately, that mundane start to this story doesn’t continue along such an innocuous path. To the contrary, this online business venture takes us over to the dark side.

Kuznetsov v Kuznetsova

In an action for a divorce and ancillary relief, the defendant appeals (1), as limited by her brief, from so much of an order of the Supreme Court, Kings County (Thomas, J.), dated January 21, 2010, as granted the plaintiff’s cross motion to appoint an appraiser to value her degrees for the purpose of equitable distribution, and (2) from a money judgment of the same court entered March 15, 2010, which, upon so much of the order dated January 21, 2010, as granted her motion for an award of an interim attorney’s fee, is in her favor in the sum of only $7,000, and the plaintiff cross-appeals (1), as limited by his brief, from so much of the same order as granted the defendant’s motion for an award of an interim attorney’s fee, and (2) from the same money judgment.

Holocaust Victims Fund.

A group that stole a large sum of money from two funds paying compensation to victims of the Holocaust has been uncovered in the United States. According to the FBI, the suspects, being in collusion with employees of the funds, sent to charitable organizations more than 5 thousand fictitious appeals with a request to provide material assistance – and thus stole $42 million.

Among those accused of Internet fraud were 25 Russians.

According to the indictment, the group of fraudsters, which also included citizens of Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, stole passwords to depositors’ “personal accounts” using the Zeus trojan program. Then, using the stolen passwords, they transferred the Americans’ money to fake accounts and cashed it out. The attackers managed to steal about 3 million dollars from five U.S. banks, the couriers received from 8 to 10 percent of the reward for illegal transactions.

Uncle Omelian’s Shack. Ukrainian slave owners in America?

In the press – one after another – there appeared articles about various scandals, one way or another connected with “Russians” – from absurd story about Russian spies to sensational information about “raid” on medical offices, robbing the Medicare fund, and arrests of doctors, medical workers, patients – including Russian-speaking ones… But the most nightmarish story concerns not espionage or Medicare fraud, but human trafficking, that is, the importation of live goods into America, which is essentially a modern form of slavery.

Hushin’ Russian in Brooklyn med ‘fraud’

A Brooklyn medical office used a Soviet-era propaganda poster to tell Russian-immigrant patients to keep quiet about kickbacks they were getting for letting doctors submit thousands of bogus Medicare claims in their names, federal prosecutors revealed yesterday.

Medicare fraud bust: $251M in scams

Elderly Russian immigrants lined up to take kickbacks from the backroom of a Brooklyn clinic. Claims flooded in from Miami for HIV treatments that never occurred. One professional patient was named in nearly 4,000 false Medicare claims.

Russian spies are “illegals”.

On Monday, June 28, Russian-speaking Americans were bombarded with sensational and shocking news: 10 Russian spies were arrested in our country who had been living in the United States for years and doing their dirty work….

International corruption: 750,000 euros seized.

Today, officers of the Tax Police Department of the Milan Financial Police are conducting a preventive seizure of about 750,000 euros against Leopoldo Braghieri (your best friend, according to the definition he gave of himself in support of the transfers with which he paid bribes), a world-renowned entrepreneur in the prefabricated construction industry and a longtime acquaintance of the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office since the “Oil for Food” investigation, and the company CO.G.IM S.p.a.

UN bribes, Italian company Cogim is in trouble.

With a man who had the kindness to transfer 754,000 euros to an offshore checking account, it could not have been otherwise. The friend is Leopoldo Bragieri, the hidden partner and de facto administrator of Cogim spa, a Piacenza-based company specializing in the construction of prefabricated housing modules.

Purygin v Purygina

Upon the foregoing papers, plaintiff Vadim Purygin (the husband) moves for summary judgment as a matter of law: (1) pursuant to CPLR 3212(c) and Domestic Relations Law (DRL) § 236, dismissing the claim of defendant Irina Purygina (the wife) to share in his alleged enhanced earnings capacity from the courses of study that he completed at Long Island University (LIU); (2) pursuant to CPLR 3212(c) and DRL § 236, dismissing defendant’s claim of a right to share in his alleged enhanced earning capacity from the medical degree that he obtained from Ross University Medical School (Medical School); and (3) pursuant to CPLR 3212(c) and DRL § 236, dismissing defendant’s claim of a right to share in his alleged enhanced earning capacity from the one year of medical residency that he completed prior to the commencement of the instant divorce action that had not then [*2]resulted in any degree or license. Defendant cross moves for an order, pursuant to DRL § 237, granting her attorneys’ fees and costs in defending this motion.

Robbery .ru

The court of the Avtozavodsky district of Togliatti recently sentenced hacker Roman Lukin to four and a half years of probation for robbing one of the largest private banks in Turkey. According to Turkish bankers, he and his accomplice Ilya Baloga stole more than 500 thousand dollars from them.

Klopov’s bite.

Our citizens know how to surprise the world. Igor Klopov, a modest 24-year-old Muscovite, has taken and robbed those on the Forbes magazine list, and in absentia, from a distance.

SEC freezes $3M made in hacker stock scam

A federal judge, acting on behalf of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), has frozen $3 million belonging to an Eastern European cybercrime gang that allegedly hacked into seven U.S. brokerage firms, then used stolen funds to mount a stock manipulation scheme.

The Russian unofficial is being pushed to close the case.

Today in the federal court of the Southern District of New York resumes hearings on the case of Russian citizen Vladimir Kuznetsov, former head of the UN Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs. He is charged with conspiracy to launder money. However, at the end of last week, an event took place, because of which today the case may be closed and the defendant released.

Ny minute

The former owners of a glitzy supper club in Brooklyn were charged yesterday with threatening a man who owed them $70,000 from a high-stakes poker game, authorities said.
The victim had accused suspect Michael Mitselmakher, 40, of cheating during the two-day game of Texas Hold ‘Em at Rasputin in Brighton Beach last year.
When the victim refused to pay up, Mitselmakher and his brother Alex, 33, threatened to kill him, according to court papers.

A U.N. official is on the hook for the FBI.

Another Russian UN official has been arrested in the United States. Vadim Kuznetsov worked until today in the budget committee of the General Assembly. He became the second Russian UN official arrested on suspicion of financial fraud. Earlier, Alexander Yakovlev was arrested under the same article and accused of money laundering through the “Oil for Food” program.

Hacker hits up to 8M credit cards

NEW YORK (CNN) – The Secret Service and the FBI confirmed Wednesday they have been involved for the past two weeks in trying to track down the computer hacker who breached the security system of Data Processors International, which processes credit card transactions on behalf of merchants.